Why are Apps Better in iOS than in Android

It’s no secret that there is a war of innovation being waged between behemoths of the technology industries. The most famous and prominent battle is between the two alpha-male operating systems of smartphones, iOS and Android. 

Trying to stay objective and keeping personal preferences out of the way is the best method to assess the strengths and weaknesses of operating systems. When it comes to the ease and accessibility provided to developers to create apps, Android definitely has the edge. But another problem surfaces when comparing mainstream Android apps like Snapchat, Facebook, and Instagram to their Apple counterparts.

Stack of mobile devices

It’s quite easy to spot the difference in the design and performance of such apps and see iOS’s lead in that department. We’ll be giving you a brief explanation of why iOS applications are in the lead.

Processing Power

While Android phones may look like powerhouses with their sheer RAM volume and high-numbered processors, they fall a bit behind when compared to processing chips of the iPhone. The Snapdragon is certainly making strides and it’s getting close to the performance of Apple’s Bionic chip, but it may take a flagship model-of-the-year Android phone to beat an older iPhone. This means that the gaming experience is smoother on iOS thanks to its processor and architecture. That is why the game creators of slottyvegas says that developers need to take into consideration the systems and hardware their products will be used one. A quick glance at their iOS app can show some quality and operation differences when compared to the Android counterpart. What takes Android phones minutes to transcode video may only take iPhones less.

Of course iphones aren’t always faster though. Speed also depends on the type of app you’re running. Video apps may be faster on iPhone or Android, depending on the specific versions you’re using, and vice versa. If you’re interested in specific performance details, you need to check benchmark testing websites. These are databases of tests results from users who ran specific speed-testing software on their phones, or other electronic devices.

When checking benchmark test results, give preference to websites that list results from at least 100 users per test. After all the more users that run tests, the more trustworthy results are.

Market Segmentation

Apple uses a very smart strategy, which is ensuring that users do their best to upgrade to the newest iOS. A lot of Android users, almost a third, are using Android versions that are three years old or more. Now, try including the sheer number of Android devices with different resolutions and features being taken into consideration to create apps that are still compatible with the operating system. Apple app developers don’t have to worry about most of these problems as their market isn’t segmented like Android’s, which helps battle compatibility issues and degradation of different app versions.


The pushiness, perseverance, and invasion of Android ads are quite notorious in the app scene. While free iOS apps do come with their fair share of ads, they are still quite lower in frequency. Gaming apps usually come with the most ads, but the problem with Android is that more than 63% of its non-gaming apps are riddled with ads, compared to a percentage of only 25% in iOS apps. Many believe that the subscription model utilized by iOS apps compensates for the lack of ads to provide the funding required to operate it finely.

Whether you prefer iOS or Android operating systems, it’s quite important to take into consideration what could be better for you. While some believe that better apps on a specific operating system may not be the only metric, others think that it’s a deal-breaker. In the end, some research should be done to have an idea of what to expect from both operating systems.

Virus Protection

No electronic device is completely immune to computer viruses. While Androids give users greater control over what they do with their devices, this opens them up to new viruses. Generally iPhones and Apple products are better protected from viruses. So the greater control of Androids comes at a price.

One one hand, Androids have a greater set of capabilities if you’re a developer. Specifically you don’t need as many special development tools or permissions. But with iphones, development and controls are much stricter.

For example, on iphones, how you can use the GPS is more restrictive. It may require the user takes additional steps to confirm an app has permission to use your location. This is good from a privacy perspective, because you wont so easily leak your location, which you may prefer to keep private. But with Androids, once you give an app permission to use your location, there’s more ways your location can be obtained.

It isn’t always the case though, because each Android phone is different. Even with phones of the same model, the phone’s firmware can be different. This can also make development for mobile devices very difficult on Android devices.

It’s not to say mobile app development on iphones doesn’t have the same challenges, because it does. But Androids have broader standards, because large parts of the Android operating systems are open source. This means anyone can modify the firmware and install it on an Android. But with iphones, the firmware and operating system is proprietary and owned by Apple. The downside again is the user’s phone isn’t as customizable. The upside is app development is easier, because the operating system and APIs for programming are more stable and easier to work with.

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