The best way to contact us is using the below form, then we’ll respond whenever possible (usually within 48hrs). You can also contact us via Phone or Skype although calls must be scheduled.
Email Us
Email us using the form below. Please first thoroughly read the relevant website and FAQs before contacting us. Please ask clear questions for clear answers.
Phone and Skype Calls
Call must be scheduled using the booking form at the bottom of this page.Â
Phone (international): +61 3 9018 5395
Skype: rouletteanalysis
Demonstrations are available only for roulette computers. For details, see Private live webcam demos are US$250, and private in-person demos are US$500. You can see public group demos for free, although you only see everything in private demos. The fee is to cover our costs of venue hire and allocated time, but is refundable if the demonstration doesn’t meet expectations. Use the booking form at the bottom of this page to request a time. We will respond to verify availability, but bookings are only finalized once the fee is received.
Phone/Skype, & Demo Booking Form
Select your local time, and it will be automatically converted to our local time. You can select only times we’re available. If none of the available times suit you, email us to organize an alternate time. But if you want to call outside our normal hours, it will take longer to organize (Convert Time and Date Between Timezones). At the approved time, call us either via Skype or Phone.